Lauren Alshamesi

Behind every supermom is a heart full of love, a mind full of multitasking, and a spirit that never quits. Here's to the woman who makes it all look effortless. 💫 #SuperMom #MomPower"

Mom of 1 | Aries♈️

What’s your secret superpower as a mom?
That no matter how tired I am, I somehow always do what I have to do.

If you could have a day off, what would you do with your “me time”?
Either a full beauty day or just a day to eat my favorite food and catch up on some reading!
 Unwind Love Yourself Sticker by Demic

What’s the funniest thing one of your kids has ever said to you?
My daughter asked me why

How do you keep your cool during a tantrum or meltdown?
Take a breathe and really try to focus on the fact that this is my daughters first time living and that I am supposed to help her navigate this life not shame her for being unknowing.
 Cat Breathe Sticker

What’s your go-to meal when you’re too tired to cook but still want to feed your family something?
Pasta rigatoni with some Whole Foods sauce! Easy and cheap!
Pasta Day Sticker

If you had a theme song as a mom, what would it be?
I can’t think of one song but definitely like a playlist of pop intermixed with kid songs!

What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned about yourself since becoming a mom?
Naps for everyone including mom!

What’s your ultimate mom hack that you swear by?
The earlier you introduce your children to loud sounds when sleeping the less you’ll have to walk on eggshells when they are napping!
strollinginthesuburbs motherhood angieco mom hack momhack Sticker

Be sure to Follow Lauren on Instagram.
Drop a comment and let’s spread some love and positivity today! 💬✨ What’s something that’s been making you smile lately? 😊 #PositiveVibes #SpreadTheLove"
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1 comment

Lmao @ Your daughter asking “why” 😅

Elaine F.

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